Memories of early schooldays

Created by dhk1 10 years ago
I was Julia's teacher when she started school in Milton Keynes, England. I can remember so clearly the headteacher coming in to the staffroom and talking about this amazing little girl who had read a Roald Dahl paperback in one afternoon! I loved the challenge of teaching Julia, her curiosity, questioning and conceptual abilities at the age of 5 certainly kept me on my toes! I can remember her starting to play the violin that is in one of the gallery photos. When she had just started school she wrote a short book about a Dutch girl called Girder (sic) who 'hated to see the raging sea fighting to get back the reclaimed land'! Amazing. I've never forgotten that. Her uncle Clive and I took Julia and her siblings on trips to the London museums and she just soaked up information. I had never taught a child like her, and never did again. More recently came across some information about Julia and managed to contact her by email. We reminisced a lot about those early years, and I was so pleased to have contact with her again.