Letter from Clive Grogono - Uncle

Created by Pamela 12 years ago
Dear Nieces and Nephews, I write to express my deepest condolences to you all with the passing of your oldest sister. I echo my sister Alice's thoughts in her email to you. Julia was a lovely, charming, kind, compassionate and wonderful human being. My contact with her was primarily in the Milton Keynes years in England, when I stayed with your family on and off for five years. I remember with great fondness many times when we went shopping or for walks in the woods or to the Milton Keynes library. Julia, her teacher Diane and I drove to London on a number of occasions to visit museums. She was always filled with bright-eyed enthusiasm and interest in such outings. As I recall, she had read every child's book in the library by the time she was age five and when the school sent people to test her IQ, she was off the scale! I have attached some photographs of this time in England. They are mostly of Julia but there are a couple of others that I couldn't resist sending as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you that something good will come out of this. In deepest sympathy, Uncle Clive
